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Organizations that do not wish to manage a crypto portfolio, but also do not want to miss out on potential crypto gifts, still have options!

Cryptocurrencies are considered property by the IRS and thus these types of donations are eligible for deduction. We definitely recommend that Organizations implement a crypto liquidation element in their gift acceptance policy.

By utilizing an intermediary processing 501(c)(3), US charities can accept and receipt the liquidated cash equivalent of a cryptocurrency, NFT, or NFT Drop donation with little or no fee and without any need to take custody of these property-based contributions.

Examples of validated intermediary processors are Cocatalyst Impact, Inc. and Crypto for Charity.

Solertiae also helps nonprofits with the following automated services:

Data Quality

Send emails & texts to your members to update/verify their contact records

Discipleship Cultivation

Track internal and external discipleship trends. Learn more...

Data Quality Checks

Send emails & texts to your members to update/verify their contact records

Discipleship Cultivation

Track internal and external discipleship trends. Learn more...

Engagement Maximizer

Use engagement indicators to bring less-engaged members towards the center of the fold

Member Journey

Create a consistent yet personalized onboarding experience for new members

Visitor Journey

Be organized & well-prepared
to ensure that all visitors feel properly welcomed

Relational Universe

Harness the information you have to segment your constituents for an optimal marketing and communications strategy

Receipt Orchestration

Make your most common touchpoint with donors less transactional and more relational; regardless of complexity or volume

Offline Giving

Checks and Billpay are inherently inefficient - our automated solutions will increase the velocity and accuracy of your data entry

Online Giving

Off-the-shelf giving platforms have some gaps when it comes to serving nonprofits; let's align them to fit your unique business requirements

Personnel Data Management

Know where your global workforce is serving via intelligent lifecycle reporting-

this includes private contact information management

Building your own bespoke solutions can be costly

Sometimes a best-fit solution doesn’t exist. As a nonprofit, the idea of building something custom or bespoke can be costly territory as the overhead to design, support, and manage the solution once built is usually disproportionate to the cost your organization can carry ongoing. 

This is one of the key reasons we created Solertiae Labs and Work Essentials - to find ingenious solutions for common challenges facing a majority of our customers. We take on the complexity - and deliver you an elegant solution with predictable pricing.

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